All Treatments

With a personalized treatment plan crafted by our expert dentists, you’ll finally have the best smile you deserve.

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Smile Design

To help you achieve your best smile, our specialists will design and craft it just for you.

  • Smile Design
  • Zirconium Crowns
  • Porcelain Crowns
  • Veneers
  • Porcelain Veneer
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Ceramic Inlay / Onlay
  • Removable Porcelain Denture
  • Botox
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Dental Implants

Are you missing teeth? No worries, it’s possible to restore or replace the teeth you've lost.

  • Dental Implants
  • Fast & Fixed Technique
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Dental Crowns

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  • Flor Uygulaması
  • Süt Dişi Çekimi
  • Yer Tutucu Uygulaması
  • Amputasyon
  • Fissür Örtücü Uygulaması
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Root Canal Treatment

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  • Kompozit Dolgu
  • Kanal Tedavisi
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  • Flap Operasyonu
  • Serbest Diş Eti Grefti
  • Diş Eti Apsesi Tedavisi
  • Frenektomi
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  • Metal Braketler
  • Porselen Braketler
  • Telsiz Ortodonti (Invisalign)
  • Lingual Ortodonti (Görünmez Tel)
  • Hareketli Ortodontik Tedavi
  • Pekiştirme Ortodontik Tedavisi
  • Önleyici Ortodontik Tedavi
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Prosthetic Treatments

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  • Panoramik Röntgen
  • Diş Röntgen Filmi (Periapikal)
  • 3D Tomografi
  • Sefalometrik Röntgen
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Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeries

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  • 20 Yaş Dişi ve Gömülü Diş Çekimi
  • Diş Sıkma ve Gıcırdatma Tedavisi
  • Çene Kistleri ve Tümörleri
  • Apikal Rezeksiyon
  • Ortognatik Cerrahi
What Should You Expect?

Let's plan your treatment journey today!

Get In Touch

The first step to achieving your most beautiful and healthy smile begins with an evaluation through a consultation. Book a free consultation appointment at our clinic.


Your Personal Treatment Plan

Let's tailor your personalized treatment plan based on the evaluation and schedule it at a time that suits you.


Treatment Process

Your treatment will be carried out by our experienced doctors, and you will achieve the smile you've always dreamed of.


Satisfaction Guaranteed

We proudly offer a 3-year guarantee on all our treatments, ensuring peace of mind every step of the way. Our expert team will be by your side throughout your treatment and beyond, dedicated to supporting you on your journey to a healthier, more confident smile.